Expedition Ozark: A 5 Day Adventure Racing World Series Demonstration Event with Remote Coverage

The Adventure Racing World Series brought on a new American expedition race for 2023: Expedition Ozark. The race would be the first of its length in the Ozark region of Arkansas, in the heartland of the United States. Adventure Racing Insider produced a wealth of video media for the race, all from our remote studio location in Boston, MA. With our remote studio’s editing capacity, we were able to quickly turn around video from the course photographers and deliver a more polished media product.

Working remotely has its drawbacks of course. If I’m working from my home studio I can’t direct folks on the course and a definitely can’t run out to grab a shot it I want one. Relying heavily on on-the-ground personnel is key. Luckily I have a great group of media pros who were able to get out there in the woods with teams to capture the stories of the race as it happened. Special thanks to Rob Howard, Joel Perella, Samuel Eloy, Isaac Protiva and Wladimir Togumi for their work out there on course

Expedition Ozark Course Flyover

For Expedition Ozark, Adventure Racing Insider first produced an enhanced Google Earth flyover video of the course. Clocking in at over 300 miles and 12 stages, the course was immense but easily understandable within 5-7 minutes of viewing the flyover. Incorporating information from the rules of travel and course booklet, the flyover then becomes a useful resource for both racers and fans alike. During the race, we ran live dot-watching events with experts from across the country, bringing live adventure racing coverage to our fans for the first time.

There is so much action on an expedition race course that it’s often difficult to encapsulate what has happened during each day. That’s where our recap videos come in. After every day of racing, we produced a highlight video using course footage from that day. We also produced a full highlight video for the race so the teams could watch it at the awards banquet. That full video can be seen below: