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Ultraverse Supplements Adds Fuel to the Prize Table

Fueling for endurance events like the 2023 USARA National Championship can be a tricky proposition. Balancing nutrition with palatability, electrolytes and gut tolerance can be a puzzle for any athlete that intends to push their bodies to the limits over massive distances and long durations. Thank you to Ultraverse Supplements for your hard work in developing your products: T minus 30 daily, Proxima C endurance fuel, and Terminus recovery formula.

At Ultraverse Supplements, we focus on providing unmatched nutrition for endurance athletes.  Our products are specifically designed to account for the unique physiological and psychological demands of ultra-endurance sports such as: ultra-distance running and biking, ironman and triathlon events, cross-country skiing, adventure races, thru-hiking, and FKT (fastest known time) attempts.  Our goal is to make the best products for ultra-endurance and conventional endurance athletes.  That being said, almost any athlete from any discipline would benefit from using our products.